Video on the ‘net’, is a medium that is increasingly common and usable. Utilise it to tell your story in a unique and engaging way. Video for TV is also a commonly sought after service.
Blue Goanna Digital, specialises in short video sequences that convey our clients’ messages to their customers. Our videos are produced in a way that is memorable and entertaining.
Manuals for training, workplace inductions and educational curriculae are much more effective when transferred from boring paper to this engaging media.
For tourism operators or other small businesses, video can be a cool way of showcasing your product, either as an introductory sequence for a website, as a ‘kiosk’ style display for trade shows or an in depth product showcase.
Our equipment includes Canon 5d DSLR video cameras and lenses, camera crane, steadicam, an array of lights, plus an arsenal of industry standard editing and visual effects software. Perfect for showcasing businesses, properties and real estate.
Video for TV? You betcha, right up our alley!